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Install Osx86 Without Ahcip

So by following this guide, you can install Mac OS X Lion on your hackintosh using only a USB thumb drive. The guide is called UniBeast. Follow this guide, and you’ll be able to do a clean-install of Mac OS X Lion on your hackintosh, or upgrade your existing Snow Leopard installation (that’s your personal preference). There’s only one thing to remember. You’ll need access to a system running Mac OS X (Snow Leopard or Lion, doesn’t matter), only for the USB drive preparation steps. This system could be a real Mac, or it could be your existing hackintosh as well. Now let’s get started with the guide.

  1. Install Osx86 Without Ahcip Download
  2. Hackintosh Image

Since the guide itself is self-explanatory, we are just going to follow along here. You can read the at tonymacx86’s blog.For this one, you need a system running Mac OS X, a Mac App Store downloaded copy of Mac OS X Lion (downloaded as an app) OR a Mac OS X Lion Recovery USB (available from an Apple retail store and/or from the ). You’ll also need a USB thumb drive, preferably 8GB or larger. Also, download the UniBeast package from the of tonymacx86’s website (you need to be a registered user for that, so register first, because you might also need to post on the forums for help if you come across a problem). Last but not the least, you need patience, tolerance, and the enthusiasm to make things work!First, let’s get the installation USB drive ready. Make sure you have a system running Mac OS X at hand. Attach the USB thumb drive, and open Disk Utility from Application/Utilities, or just type Disk Utility in Spotlight.

Select your USB drive in the left sidebar, and click the Partition tab. Under Volume Scheme, select 1 Partition, and give it a name (Installer, for instance). Make sure that the format is set to Mac OS Extended (Journaled). Next, click the Options button. Select Master Boot Record, and press OK.

Now you’re ready to apply the changes to the USB, so click Apply, and click Partition. Wait a couple of seconds till the process completes.Now it’s time to copy the installation files to the USB drive. As mentioned earlier, you can either use a downloaded copy of Mac OS X Lion (from the Mac App Store) or you can use the Lion USB Thumb Drive.

Either way, you should have the preferred installation mode in your possession, i.e. The downloaded Install Mac OS X Lion App should be in the Applications folder of your Mac. Or if you’re using the Lion USB thumb drive, make sure to have it attached to your computer before proceeding to the next step. So let’s run UniBeast. Accept any license agreements, and select your USB thumb drive when you arrive at the Destination Select screen.Upon clicking Next, you’ll see some options. Now if you’re using the Mac App Store version of OS X Lion, select the “Mac App Store” option. If you’re using the Lion USB thumb drive, select the “Apple Store” option.

Install Osx86 Without Ahcip

But remember, you have to select only one option. If you’re going to install Lion (using this USB thumb drive being prepared) on a laptop, select the “Laptop Support” option as well.

Once done, click Next, enter your password, and have a cup of coffee. This will take a while (anywhere from 15 to 20 minutes).When the UniBeast installation is complete, you can use this USB thumb drive to install Lion on a Hackintosh, for a fresh install, or as an upgrade to existing Snow Leopard. If you want to install Lion alongside an existing Snow Leopard installation on a hackintosh, be sure to create an empty partition first using Disk utility (or just use another empty hard drive, if you want to). Be sure to have the same BIOS settings as recommended in the iBoot + Multibeast guide, further explained. In short, set all hard drives to SATA mode (AHCI), enable HPET, use less than 4GB of Ram (for installation only), and make sure no extra peripherals are connected to the computer.Ready to install? Make sure your booting sequence is set to boot from USB drive first. Reboot your hackintosh with the USB drive attached.

Once you reach the bootloader screen, you’ll see the installer partition you created earlier (here, it’s named “USB”).Now, remember what we learned about boot flags? You’ll probably need to enter some of them to reach the installer. Luckily, tonymacx86 has already defined a couple of them, so be sure to use the ones applicable for your hardware configuration.AMD Radeon 6670 – type PCIRootUID=0Unsupported graphics – type GraphicsEnabler=NoTIP: Additionally, you can boot with –v (alongside the other boot flags) to see where the installer loading stops or causes a problem, and you may also use the –x bootflag (for booting in safe mode). Note down the boot flags that work for you.This was the only tricky step in the entire process. Once you reach the installation screen, it’s just a matter of going through a couple of standard installation steps like selecting the language and specifying the destination partition/hard drive for installation (if you’re going for a clean install).

If you’re going to update an existing Snow Leopard installation, the next couple of steps (regarding work with Disk Utility) may not be required, and once you reach the Destination Select screen, the partition will already be there, just select that, and start the installation.In case of a clean install, make sure you have prepared the destination partition beforehand. If not, prepare it first using Disk Utility. On the menu bar at the top, click Utilities Disk Utility. Once Disk Utility loads up, select your hard drive, and click the Partition tab. Under Volume Scheme, select 1 Partition, give it a name (Lion, Mac HD, anything you want), and set the partition format to “Mac OS Extended (Journaled)”. Click the Options button, and make sure “GUID Partition Table” is selected.

If it isn’t, select it and press OK. Once that’s done, press Next on the installer, select the drive you just created, and install Lion right away!When Lion finishes installing, you need to restart your hackintosh. And once again, you have to boot from the USB you’ve created. This time, you’ll have your Lion partition showing up at the bootloader screen. Use the arrow keys to highlight it, and press Enter to boot from it. You might consider any boot flags as well which helped you reach the installer screen.Once you get to the desktop, congratulate yourself, you just installed Mac OS X Lion on a PC!All that’s left to do is to download and run MultiBeast to enable any non-functional devices and to install a bootloader (using EasyBeast or UserDSDT) so that you may not need the USB to boot into Lion on your hackintosh.

The multibeast installation tips and tricks are explained in detail in the and parts of the How-To Geek Guide to Hackintoshing, so be sure to have a look at them.And there you have it. Mac OS X Lion, on a custom built hackintosh. We will keep you updated on any further advances in the hackintoshing world, so expect more!All thanks to tonymacx86 and his team for putting together an easy to follow guide.


Install Osx86 Without Ahcip Download

This guide is just an explanation of the original. The tonymacx86 logo and other logos are the trademarks and registered copyrights of tonymacx86. Screenshots taken from the original guide.Here are some explaining how you can use the UniBeast method to install Mac OS X Lion on a hackintosh. This might give you an idea of how it’s actually done, and then you may try it for yourself.

With the release of OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion comes over 200 new features to your Mac computer. Since Mountain Lion’s release we have covered numerous aspects of the new OS like completing a, and for those of you that are on the fence of updating,. What if you don’t have a Mac computer however, but a Windows computer and still want to take advantage of Mountain Lion? Well, luckily for you there is a fairly simple process that will allow you to build a Hackintosh computer based off Mountain Lion.Before we explain the process of creating an OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion Hackintosh you will need to make sure that you can get access to a Mac computer so that you can purchase/download OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion and create a UniBeast USB drive. While we are on the topic of USB drives you will need a formatted one with a capacity of at least 8GB. Install Mountain Lion Hackintosh PCStep 1) – The first thing you will need to do is purchase and download OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion from the Mac App Store (direct link).

Once it downloads DO NOT install it.Step 2) – Next you will need to download a program called UniBeast, which is available from a website called. You will need to register on the website to be able to download the program (it is free).Step 3) – With the required files downloaded you will begin the process of creating a bootable Mountain Lion USB Drive. Plug in your formatted USB drive into your computer, launch Finder and navigate to /Applications/Utilities/Disk Utility.

With Disk Utility open click on your USB drive, and from the Current drop down menu choose the 1 Partition option.Step 4) – Now select Options underneath the Partition Layout menu and ensure that the Master Boot Record option is checked. Additionally, look underneath Format header and ensure that Mac OS X Extended (Journaled) is selected. Finally click Apply and then click the Partition button.Step 5) – You will now need to launch UniBeast, the application that you downloaded in step 2. Quickly go through the Introduction, Read Me and License pages and when you get to the Destination Select page you will need to select the USB drive you have been partitioning in the previous steps. Once you have done this click the Continue button and follow the rest of the on-screen instructions.Note: Keep in mind that if you receive an error stating that Mountain Lion is missing you will need to ensure it is placed in the /Applications folder.Step 6) – After UniBeast is finished you should have a fully functional bootable Mountain Lion USB drive that can be installed on your PC to create a. As such ensure that your computer is set to boot from USB through the BIOS settings (Google will be your friend here if you don’t know how to do this).

Then plug the USB drive into your Windows computer that you want to turn into a Hackintosh and restart your computer.Note: The next step can be skipped if you are simply updating your Hackintosh computer. For new installations however, you will need to follow it.Step 7) – After booting from your Mountain Lion USB drive you should see an OS X installer. Select your applicable language, choose Utilities from the menu bar and then launch Disk Utility. With Disk Utility open you will need to select the hard drive you wish to install Mountain Lion to. With your hard drive selected go into the Partition tab. Select the Current drop down menu, followed by 1 partition and then click on Options and choose GUID Partition table.

Now name your partition Macintosh HD and set Format to Mac OS X Extended (Journaled).Step 8) – Finally click Apply and then click Partition. Now simply follow the on-screen instructions for installing on your PC. Once Mountain Lion has been successfully installed, restart your computer, and then choose the new Mountain Lion option to make the drive bootable.Congratulations! You should now have OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion running on your Windows computer. This means you now have a functional Hackintosh PC. The last thing that you will need to do is install the drivers for your computer. This can be done by using the MultiBeast tool and can be downloaded.


Please leave any questions and further thoughts in the comments section. Having some problems and hope someone could help. I have everything downloaded and run thru the partition part and everything goes smoothly.

I use UniBeast and i get the option to install 2 other things among the MTN Lion install. Should i click them? Next i am able to get my pc to boot from usb and it finds the partitioned usb drive with MTN Lion on it but when I try to boot the installer the screen on my pc just stays black every time. I have tried this at least 5 times wiping the usb drive and reinstalling and still no luck.

Hackintosh Image

Idk if there is something I’m missing or what but once I try to install MTN Lion on my PC it just goes to a black screen and sits there. I have installed everything on a 2011 MB pro OS X ver 10.8 if that is apart of the problem at all.Haroon Abdul Rauf says.